Write on target
Writing about your own organization is often difficult; you’re simply too close to the people, products and services to be objective. Echo Communications will collaborate with your team to capture what you may take for granted, what your customers see in you, and present it clearly and concisely.
- Freelance writer – versatile writer that has been published in several magazines and newspapers , covering emerging business trends, real estate, travel, arts entertainment.
- Write and edit articles on emerging business trends.
- Mat and by-lined articles
- Executive Speeches
- Presentations
- Newsletter and Magazine
- Newsworthy releases / advisories and media materials
- Communications plans
- Website content
- Proposals / briefing documents
- Policy and product white papers
- Government submissions
- Testimonials
- Manuals and instruction booklets
- Video scripts
- Sales and marketing collateral
- Customer Service scripts to defend products and services
- Fundraising collateral
- Annual reports and shareholder communications
- Business correspondence
- Technical documentation
- Advertising / direct mail copy
- Special event scripts