Social responsibility
It’s been said that corporate citizenship isn’t so much about how a company spends its money, but about how a company makes its money. We believe that actions must speak just as loudly as words, but without articulating and leveraging how your organization is making a difference, it is as though you have done nothing at all.
More than ever, the public – including your customers, suppliers, employees and investors are cynical about business motives. It’s common for them to question the truthfulness and integrity of organizations, and they are demanding more and more transparency and accountability.
Consumers and investors are ready to put their money where their values are – to punish those who behave badly and reward those who behave well.
Similarly, employees want to know that they work for a compassionate company that believes in giving back to the community. Actions speak far louder than words, and the best way to do this is to develop a comprehensive and actionable CSR strategy that establishes and reinforces corporate values and leadership.
We help organizations to:
- Build Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs – Assessments, Strategies and Implementations.
- Develop strategic philanthropy (donation and sponsorship) programs.
- Build criteria and measurement tools to manage and leverage community investments.
- Build alliances with charitable groups that influence your stakeholders.
- Spearhead employee volunteer participation programs and incentives.
- Provide fundraising strategies for not-for-profit organizations.