
Most technology experts agree that it’s no longer a question of if your organization will be hit by a cyber-attack, but when. So as communicators, it is absolutely crucial to assess how prepared your organization is to combat a digital disruption and start planning. As the guardians of reputation for our organizations and clients, it […]
It was pleasure being the featured member of IABC Toronto in their June Communicator newsletter that reaches more than 1,500 members. This Proust questionnaire, may provide some insights and glimpses into what makes me tick! Proust Questionnaire_April-May_Applebaum Source: IABC Communicator – June 2015

Protecting your organization’s most valuable and vulnerable asset means understanding that the walls that once separated internal from external comms have crumbled. No matter where you look these days, the headlines are dominated by organizations under attack. In our hyper-connected 24/7 digital world, communication knows no boundaries, companies are facing unprecedented scrutiny from a myriad […]

In today’s complex, fast-paced business environment the expectations of all organizations from multinational companies to non-profits and government agencies has irreparably changed. Organizations of all types and sizes must now face an increasingly skeptical public, invasive media, consumer activists, nervous investors and disengaged employees. The reputation of your organization is your greatest asset which takes […]